UUCMP is a member of COPA, an organization built on the concept of community and relationships as foundational for building a more just society. Here in the year 2020 we find ourselves during a global pandemic when we are required to shelter in place. This has led COPA to rethink how it can continue to build public relationships when face-to-face meetings present untenable risks to the health of the populous. COPA is committed to build new tools so that we can continue to meet, build relationships and do our justice work. We remain convinced that our hallmark of relational meetings will be increasingly important as we face this crisis in the coming months.
Resources to Preserve and Deepen a Culture of Relationships
Readings for a Time of Pandemic
Connections to Government Offices
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Please connect with us by signing in to this website to get the latest updates and news. To sign in go to the column on the right to sign in using Facebook, or Twitter or by entering your email.
Click the following link to visit COPA on the web
Below you will find links to the following articles and resources:
(1) “What is COPA?” document developed by leaders seeking a way to share information with people new to the organization.
(2) Two documents to help with the Sustaining Investors Campaign in your institution.
To join the listserve for COPA at UUCMP email the UUCMP COPA Core Team at
Find out more by watching this short video!