I-HELP Men’s Donation
Date(s) - January 14, 2024
3:00 pm-4:00 pm
On January 14th, UUCMP will host and provide the meal for Men’s I-HELP (Interfaith Homeless Emergency Lodging Program.) We are planning for about 17 guests.
We need your help to provide the donations of food for the meal. We can also use help with setting up, preparing food and greeting the men. Please sign up on the link below. Food donations may be left in the church kitchen after the morning worship service on Sunday and PLEASE LABEL all food with Men’s I-HELP. Food may also be brought to the church after 3:00 pm, but no later than 4:00 p.m. Please use this Meal Train link to sign up. Please sign up by Saturday at 5pm so we know where we stand for donations, since our goal is to have all items donated.
If you just want to tell us what you are bringing, contact Rose and she will sign you up.
Men’s I-HELP Meal Train Sign up
If you would rather contribute monetarily to support this important mission of our church, please mark your check donation in the memo line for Men’s I-Help Meals.
Donate financially
If you have difficulty using the Meal Train program, please let Rose Lovell know: lovellfamily5@gmail.com
Please let Steve Smaby know if you have suggestions or questions: pilot.smaby@gmail.com
Thank you for supporting this important mission of our church!
Rose Lovell 214-228-6665