Painting Outdoors and In the Studio

Al Shamble is an award-winning contemporary California landscape and seascape painter. As an Environmentalist, he hopes that his Plein Air and studio pieces convey the need to recognize and preserve our beautiful natural resources.

Art Exhibition Jan 8 – Feb 26, 2023, with 20% of proceeds donated to UUCMP.
Artist Reception Sunday Jan 15th, Noon to 2pm at UUCMP


Reception : Saturday February 11, from noon to 4pm
The Show runs until Feb 27th. Refreshments will be served
20% of Sales will be go to UUCMP

  • We decided to hold another Reception since the first one in January was during the storms with power outages, flooding , winds, and trees down.

I am honored to have the opportunity to begin 2023 by exhibiting some of my paintings in the UUCMP Gallery. I enjoy painting in both watercolors and oils. I have realized that painting where I like to be – on a mountain top in the winter, or along the ocean in wind and rain, is more practical with oils. Some say that painting outdoors is the most difficult of the painting sports. Wind, rain, snow, mosquitos, bears, and passersby are just some of the challenges.

For two centuries artists have taken their sketchbooks and paints outside to observe and learn from nature. Typically, these studies were primarily used for larger detailed studio pieces until the Impressionists in France began exhibiting their Plein Air works. Painting En Plein Air, translated as “In the Open Air”, has many benefits: it allows the artist to see things the camera does not; atmospheric perspective, reflected light into shadows, color nuances and harmonies are revealed to the careful observer. Shadows move in a few hours so careful planning and execution are critical skills within that time. Most of my paintings are finished on site, but I often do a larger version in my studio in East Garrison.

Al’s paintings have been displayed in museums, galleries, exhibitions and competitions. Al is on the Exec Board of MBPAPA where he is a Signature Artist. He schedules and leads weekly Monterey Bay area Plein Air Paint Outs. Cell : (510) 585-8394