RE Weekly News 2/21

The RE Bulletin Board is not just for kids! 

Be sure to check out this month’s bulletin board across from the restrooms. There are learning opportunities for all ages, including a feature on “Picturing History” from the book “Do the Work!: An Antiracist Activity Book” by W. Kamau Bell. Take a look at the posted photos from American history and do your best to answer the questions with each photo. Hopefully you’ll learn something new! 

RE this Week

This week in RE, we’ll be learning about African American inventors, discussing the ways the history of African American inventors has been buried and/or ignored, and why it’s important to celebrate this history. We hope you’ll join us for some fun and learning!

Upcoming family-friendly events:

Save the date for the upcoming First Friday Game Night! Join the ministers and others for family-friendly games and snacks on Friday, March 1st at 6:30pm in the Fireplace Room.