RE Weekly News 3/20

RE this Week

This week in RE, we’ll continue our conversations about change and transformation, learn about the Hindu holiday of Holi, and tie-dye t-shirts. We’ll provide t-shirts for the kids. Please join us for some fun as we celebrate the beginning of spring!

Have fun while getting to know UUCMP kids! 

We are looking for subs to help out with our all-ages RE class during the month of April. Volunteers are welcome to either be the lead teacher and plan activities (using our Soul Matters curriculum or sharing a personal passion) or be the 2nd adult in the classroom to help out with activities. A sign up sheet is available in the Welcome Hall near the RE materials. This is a great opportunity to interact with our UUCMP kids for one or more Sundays! For more information, talk or email with Acting DRE Sharyn (

Save the dates for UUCMP Nature Summer Camp!

We are excited to announce that we will be hosting a summer day camp at UUCMP for the week of June 10-14, focused on nature. More details coming soon! This camp will be for kids entering grades 1-6 this fall. Leadership opportunities will be available for middle and high school youth. Volunteer opportunities for adults will be available.

RE Families Invited to Help with Men’s I-HELP Dinner on Easter

UUCMP will be hosting the I-HELP (Interfaith Homeless Emergency Lodging Program) Men’s Dinner on Easter Sunday and RE families are invited to help with set up, food, and staying to share dinner (pizza!) with the men. This is a great opportunity to get kids involved in some of UUCMP’s social justice work. We’ll also be putting together some small gift bags for the men as well. 

Sign up here to help with food.

Sign up here to help with gift bags for the men.

Upcoming family-friendly events:

  • Join UUCMP members and friends for the Monterey Bay FC soccer game this Sunday, March 24 at 3pm in Seaside. A few tickets are still available! For more information, contact Acting DRE Sharyn.
  • Save the date for our annual UUCMP Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday, March 31st during worship!