RE this Week
This week in RE, we’ll be preparing gift bags and cards for the men who will be attending the I-HELP dinner at UUCMP on Sunday evening and enjoying an Easter egg hunt outside. We hope you’ll join us!
UUCMP Nature Summer Camp now open for Registration!
Related to our UU core value of interdependence and our 7th UU principle (“We believe in caring for our planet Earth, the home we share with all living things”), we’re excited to announce that we will be hosting a summer day camp focused on nature! The camp will take place from 9-3pm (optional aftercare available until 5pm) on June 10-14. It is open to all kids who are entering 1st through 6th grades this fall! We have spaces for 24 campers, so be sure to share with anyone who may be interested. Camp registration can be found here:

There is also an opportunity for UUCMP youth in middle and high school to apply to be a youth counselor. Please get in touch with Acting DRE Sharyn if your child is interested in applying. Finally, we would love to get more adult volunteer support! There will be many opportunities to help with and lead camp activities. Please get in touch if you’re interested in helping out for a few hours or for a day or two (or more!).
Last call for RE Families to Help with Men’s I-HELP Dinner on Easter
UUCMP will be hosting the I-HELP (Interfaith Homeless Emergency Lodging Program) Men’s Dinner on Easter Sunday and RE families are invited to help with set up, food, and staying to share dinner (pizza!) with the men. This is a great opportunity to get kids involved in some of UUCMP’s social justice work. We’ll also be putting together some small gift bags for the men as well.
Sign up here to help with food (fruit is still needed!).
Sign up here to help with gift bags for the men.