RE Weekly News 7/10

July 10, 2024

Is it just me or does summer seem to be slipping by quickly?  I wish there was a way we could slow down and savor the season.  What are some of your favorite summer traditions?  BBQs, camp outs, baseball games, swimming, the taste of sun ripened vegetables, fruits and berries.  

Our Religious Exploration continues as we think about the magic of summer.  Summer is a time when the daylight lasts longer in the evenings and wakes us earlier.  Hopefully it lends you the opportunity to connect with the people and the activities that bring you joy, whether it’s gardening, hiking, swimming, barbequing, camping or simply sitting outside smelling the sweet aromas of the season. 

In RE this month we will look forward to discovering the delights of summer.  Later this month we will make our own ice cream, go berry picking, and have an opportunity to camp out under the stars in August.  Through play, songs and time in nature we will have the chance to bring the light of summer inward.


Shannon Morrison (She/Her)

Acting Director of Religious Exploration


This Week in Religious Exploration (RE) 

* Last Sunday, our Elementary+ group reflected on their own Islands of Personality – based on the idea from the movie Inside Out.  This Sunday Max Cajar will guest facilitate to continue the conversation and help kids create their Family Island.

* DATE CHANGE! Berry Picking

? Upcoming Summer Activities & Events – July & August

* Saturday, July 20th: Berry Picking at Gizdich Ranch – 9:30-11:30am – Come join us to go berry picking – picnic lunch available at Gizdich!

* August 23-25 – UUCMP Big Sur Campout at the Santa Lucia campground!  More information here:

* August 30-31 – Super Flea! A rummage sale fundraiser benefiting UUCMP!  Please see Newsletter for details.

Parents – Did you know RE Staff are at the building starting at 10:00am?  

Plan to arrive before service starts and your children can settle in and play before the service while their adults enjoy coffee and conversation.  After the service, children who are not picked up by 11:50 will walk with staff to be reconnected with their families.  If your family will be traveling this summer, email Shannon to let us know so we can plan for attendance.

? Would your child like to light the chalice? 

Every Sunday we try to find a child or youth volunteer to light the chalice. It’s a fun way for kids to participate in the service. DRE Shannon can show kids how to do it before the service if it’s their first time or they need a reminder. See Shannon on Sunday morning if interested.


We will need an extra set (or 2!) of hands for July 14th and July 28th as our staff will be enjoying a Sunday off for summer travel.  Church members without little ones are encouraged to lend a hand so parents can have a chance to connect with our wonderful community.  A special thank you to our regular June volunteers Corey Brunson, Kristin Sells, Karen Brown, Brian Jacobson, Lauren and Bill Keenan.  We appreciate your help whether working directly with our kids or to make our UUCMP campus a safe and fun place to be!