Archives: Services

“Risking Vulnerability”

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and W.A. Page Galloway  The psychiatrist M. Scott Peck writes, “There can be no vulnerability without risk; there can be no community without vulnerability; there can be no peace, and ultimately no life, without community.” This raises several questions: When is it worthwhile to risk making ourselves vulnerable? In which ways are … Continue reading “Risking Vulnerability”

“Unconditional Love”

Worship Associates Corey Brunson, Shannon Morrison, and Sue Ellen Stringer We are called to love one another unconditionally but that seems like an awfully high bar. What does unconditional love even look like? How can we stop our own inner critic in order to love the people in our lives without conditions? In a culture … Continue reading “Unconditional Love”

“What’s Love Got to Do With It?”

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and W.A. Ray Krise One of our central Unitarian Universalist values is love. The recent report by the UUA’s Article II Study Commission reaffirms this, putting love literally in the center of our shared values, and saying, “We are accountable to one another for doing the work of living our shared values … Continue reading “What’s Love Got to Do With It?”

“When Love Is a Verb”

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and W.A. Lauren KeenanWhile love is certainly an important idea in human affairs, there is no universal consensus as to the meaning of love. Some say God is love, others that it is a quality of kindness associated with the Buddha, and others still think it’s akin to the Spirit of Life. … Continue reading “When Love Is a Verb”

“Love Languages”

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and W.A. Ann JacobsonLove is one of the most important and powerful human experiences. How do we communicate our love? What are some of the many ways we can give, and receive love? We sometimes struggle with interpretation, translation, and misunderstandings. How can we make sure that our love is expressed in … Continue reading “Love Languages”

“Finding Your Center”

Music Director Camille Hatton, and W.A.s Lauren Keenan and Shannon MorrisonMany of us lead fast-paced lives, constantly rushing between work, appointments, social activities, and other commitments Midwinter offers an opportunity to slow down and go inward. When we let ourselves rest and slow down, we can get in touch with our inner selves – our … Continue reading “Finding Your Center”

“Body and Soul”

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and W.A. Ann JacobsonMany religious traditions imagine the realm of the spirit as otherworldly, intangible, and mysterious – an ethereal, heavenly realm removed from our mundane earthly existence. However ignoring the material aspects of our existence would be a grave mistake. How can we understand the intersection of the physical and spiritual … Continue reading “Body and Soul”

“White Antiracist Spirituality: Lessons from the Lives of MLK’s Friends and Comrades”

Lynn Burnett and Rev. Elaine GehrmannFor Martin Luther King Day, Lynn Burnett will offer a sermon that lifts up key lessons from the history of White antiracist spirituality, from figures who were an important part of King’s life. This sermon will be meditation for all people – and especially White people – who are seeking … Continue reading “White Antiracist Spirituality: Lessons from the Lives of MLK’s Friends and Comrades”