Archives: Services

“Small Change – the Nickels and Dimes of Transformation”

Ray Krise and Bjorn NilsonIn the Western world we tend to see change as the broad strokes of history: the medieval dark ages, the Enlightenment, the Reformation, the Industrial Revolution, the Age of Information. That’s great for the history books but it’s not how we experience change. We live change in the small incremental steps … Continue reading “Small Change – the Nickels and Dimes of Transformation”

“Our Changing Celebrations”

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and W.A. Ann Jacobson Holidays, traditions and rituals are a central part of being human. The many ways we mark time and seasons and important events are notable for their consistency, and yet they are also changing, and sometimes very rapidly. How do we keep up with our changing celebrations? How can … Continue reading “Our Changing Celebrations”

“If Change Were Inevitable”

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and W.A. Kathleen CraigSome say humankind can be divided into two distinct groups: Those of us who resist change, and those who embrace or even relish change. In my experience, most people fall into the first group. (I do.) We tend to be creatures of habit, who cherish the familiar. However, regardless … Continue reading “If Change Were Inevitable”

“Of Serenity and Courage”

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and W.A. Ann JacobsonIn his well-known prayer, Reinhold Niebuhr asks for the serenity to accept what cannot be changed, the courage to change what can be changed, and the wisdom to know the difference. When we have the capacity to make meaningful change, we need courage to act. That seems clear. And … Continue reading “Of Serenity and Courage”

“It’s Hard to Say I’m Sorry ”

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and W.A. Corey BrunsonSometimes, even with our best intentions, we mess up, we say the wrong thing, we do something hurtful, we don’t follow through, or otherwise act in less-than-ideal ways. At times like these, a sincere apology can be helpful, but often hard to do well. We will explore the various … Continue reading “It’s Hard to Say I’m Sorry ”

“Holy Rage and Sacred Joy”

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and W.A. Lauren KeenanIn our worship services we often seek to create an atmosphere of calm mindfulness and quiet contemplation. And yet if we think about the alarming events and profound injustices evident in the world around us, shouldn’t we be moved to a less passive and more passionate response? A call … Continue reading “Holy Rage and Sacred Joy”

“Courage, Covenant & Mission”  

Annie Scott and W.A. Bjorn Nilson How can courageously living into covenant with one another change ourselves and the world? Annie Scott is Congregational Life Staff for our Pacific Western UU Region and is leading our Covenant Workshop on October 1 on zoom.

“Birds of a Feather Flock Together — the Virtues and Challenges of Belonging ”

Ray Krise and Kathleen Craig We all want to belong. We are social creatures, who seek a community, which will provide us with existential reassurance and personal safety, while also helping us to bring about certain values to the world. But belonging may challenge us when we hear only the opinions of those who agree … Continue reading “Birds of a Feather Flock Together — the Virtues and Challenges of Belonging ”