Archives: Services

“A Constellation of Communities” (and Connections Fair)

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and W.A, Ann Jacobson and Sue Ellen Stringer We do not live in isolation, but each of belongs to many different, overlapping communities– which may be connected by shared interests, values, purposes, histories, or circumstances. We will explore some of the many communities to which we belong, and in which we thrive, … Continue reading “A Constellation of Communities” (and Connections Fair)

“No Place Like Home”

Revs. Axel Gehrmann and W.A. Corey BrunsonHomes come in all shapes and sizes. Often – but not always – they involve four walls and a roof over our heads. Sometimes a mortgage or rent, inspections, insurance, perpetual improvements, maintenance and repairs. But a home is more than a physical structure or a place on a … Continue reading “No Place Like Home”

“Belonging in a Family”

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and W.A. Lauren KeenanWhether by birth or adoption, inheritance or choice, we all belong to a family. The family unit has both changed and remained the same throughout human history, and also changes throughout our own lives. This morning we will explore our first and last place of belonging, our family foundation. … Continue reading “Belonging in a Family”

“Camp Out”

Revs. Elaine & Axel Gehrmann at the Campground, Ray Krise, and Lauren Keenan at UUCMP It’s the Big Sur Campout Weekend! You have two choices this Sunday. You can join Revs. Elaine & Axel and the other campers at the Santa Lucia Campground for a short multigenerational open-air worship service at the banks of the … Continue reading “Camp Out”

“Telling Our Stories”

Corey Brunson and Micah Forstein Every day, each of us generates more data through our emails, purchases, internet browsing, and FitBits than our ancestors generated in a lifetime. What is missing from all this information, however, is our stories. A century from now, a great grandchild may know you spent $200 on dinner in April … Continue reading “Telling Our Stories”

“Water Communion”

Revs. Axel and Elaine Gehrmann, and Elizabeth Granado Join us for our annual multigenerational Water Communion Service, a celebration of our community. Please bring a small container of water from someplace sacred to you, which you can contribute to this worship service for all ages.

“My Life Flows On in Endless Song . . . and Other Life-Saving Acts”

Rev. Ben Meyers and W.A. Ann Jacobson“As the twig is bent, so is the tree inclined.”– Alexander Pope (c.1732) Unitarian Universalism promotes the hope that life is a cradle to grave experience–that we continue to ‘grow’ new twigs/shoots/buds throughout our lives. In this post-pandemic time, when so much of our world has been ‘bent,’ what … Continue reading “My Life Flows On in Endless Song . . . and Other Life-Saving Acts”

“Deep Listening”

Sue Ellen Stringer, Mary Kay Hamilton, and W.A. Lauren Keenan Deep listening involves creating a sacred space with someone by putting your own thoughts and feelings aside while giving attention to another person. As a listener, it is important to stay fully in the present moment and to respond authentically, giving the other your full … Continue reading “Deep Listening”

“Sermon on the Mound”

Robin Jensen and Jon Czarnecki Baseball is more than just a summer sport. It’s a game with a long history and a profound and lasting influence, not only on sports, but on society in general. It’s funny, sad, inspiring, and surprisingly symbolic of the world outside the ball parks. Robin Jensen and Jon Czarnecki will … Continue reading “Sermon on the Mound”