Archives: Services

“Living Into the 8th Principle”

Susan Panttaja & W.A. Sue Ellen Stringer At the annual meeting in May 2021, this congregation voted to adopt the 8th Principle, which calls us to journey “toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.” Today … Continue reading “Living Into the 8th Principle”

“Connected by Water”

Susan Panttaja & Erin ForsteinWhether near or far, our lives are connected by – anddependent upon – water. Today, we will celebrate ourconnection to one another during our (virtual) annualWater Communion Service. We will also celebrate thebeginning of the new school year for our children andyouth. To participate, you will want to have handy a … Continue reading “Connected by Water”

“Deliberate Cruelty”

Gregory C. Carrow-Boyd & W.A. Lee Hulquist Systemic White Supremacy and the harms that flow from it compromise our ability to connect with one another asUnitarian Universalists and hinder our work of accountably building Beloved Community. While much of this systemoperates on a level that is difficult to identify, occasionally we have chosen congregational policies … Continue reading “Deliberate Cruelty”

“Compassion and the Second Principle”

Natalie Fryberger, Ken Cuneo, Christine Kolisch, Robin JensenThe second principle lists three qualities: justice, equity, and compassion. Justice and equity are always getting more attention, but it is compassion that regulates the two others. Natalie Fryberger, Ken Cuneo, Christine Kolisch, and Robin Jensen will focus on compassion and how it determines if justice and equity … Continue reading “Compassion and the Second Principle”

“Freedom and the First Principle”

Pastor Tobias Schlingensiepen & W.A.s Micah Forstein & Lee Hulquist The first principle speaks to the inherent worth and dignity of every human being. Being the Fourth of July, Americans celebrate the birth of the independent spirit born with the help of our founding fathers. But while freedom is important. what is freedom without the … Continue reading “Freedom and the First Principle”

“General Assembly Closing Service

W.A. Lee HulquistThis Sunday our virtual UUCMP worship service will allow us to join the closing service of the UnitarianUniversalist Association’s Annual General Assembly. This is an opportunity, through Zoom, to be in unity with our fellow UU’s from around the world! A link for this Sunday service will be sent via email and Weekly … Continue reading “General Assembly Closing Service

“Each and Every Body”

Rev. Axel Gehrmann & W.A. Micah ForsteinWe say we are a welcoming congregation. We are “people of different ages, races, classes, religious and sexual orientations, gender identities and political views.” We are also people of differing physical condition and ability. When it comes to physical variances, how well do our practices reflect the principles we … Continue reading “Each and Every Body”