Archives: Services

“At Home in the Natural World”

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Worship Associate Ann Johnson “Being at home” conjures up images of settling in on a comfortable sofa, or at the kitchen table within four walls and under a roof. We are at home indoors. However health professionals say it is beneficial for body and soul to spend time outdoors, enjoying the … Continue reading “At Home in the Natural World”

“You Say Potato . . .”

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Worship Associate Christina ZaroIn this age of great polarization and division, it can be hard to engage in dialogue with those with whom we differ politically, religiously, and philosophically. And yet, perhaps there is some value in finding ways to share our perspectives and values, and maybe there’s even a case … Continue reading “You Say Potato . . .”

“This Dance We Do”

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Worship Associate Celia BarberenaIt is well established that we are not isolated beings. “No one is an island,” a poet memorably wrote. Scientists and sages agree that we exist within an interdependent web, a network of mutuality. We each play a part in the dance of life. How can we be … Continue reading “This Dance We Do”

“Radical Resurrections”

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Worship Associate Corey Brunson This Easter Sunday, we will consider what aspects of ourselves, our community, our world, might benefit from some extreme life-restoring measures. How might we all seek to come back to life in this season of spring and rebirth? OOS:

“The Slow Process of Instant Change”

Rev. Susan Panttaja and Worship Associate Ray KriseMany of us experience moments of epiphany in our lives, when our perspectives shift dramatically. Likewise, there are times in our societies when something monumental seems to change overnight. Yet most often, like the buildup of pressure before an earthquake, what seems sudden is the result of forces … Continue reading “The Slow Process of Instant Change”

“Coping With Change”

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Worship Associate Page Galloway Even in the best of circumstances, change can be challenging. Changing our habits or changing our home, changing our perspective or changing our mind – any self-initiated attempt to change has its challenges. But what about the changes that are foisted upon us, whether we like it … Continue reading “Coping With Change”

“Relishing the Goo”

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Worship Associate Ann Johnson The multi-stepped transformation from caterpillar to butterfly is a familiar one, but what’s really happening in the middle there, betwixt and between, while in cocoon or chrysalis? What lessons might we draw from their natural process that might help us with our own in-betweens? OOS:

“The Courage to Change”

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Worship Associate Max Cajar In the course of your life, as you grow and change – ideally – you will become the person you are truly meant to be. Pursuing your life’s calling is deeply rewarding, but it is also risky. There is comfort in conformity. Remaining on well-traveled roads feels … Continue reading “The Courage to Change”

“The Religious Ground of Justice”

Worship Associates Shannon Morrison and Ray Krise Unitarian Universalists are known for our love of justice, but what motivates us to act for justice? Is it the desire to live by the Golden Rule? Simple altruism? There may be many different grounds for championing fairness in personal matters and justice on the broader social scale. … Continue reading “The Religious Ground of Justice”

“Be the Light”

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Worship Associate Bjorn Nilson This year our canvass theme is “Be the Light.” How can we best be the beacon of religious liberalism on the hill– how can our lights shine even more brightly to illumine our hearts and minds and those of our fellow spiritual seekers?