Strategic Planning Task Force Update

In September we held our congregational Imagination workshop, generating a number of inspiring visions for our future.  The Strategic Planning Task Force organized and solicited more input from all of you on how to prioritize these visions.  Thanks to all of you who completed the survey!

Based on the input we received, our top three visions in order of priority are:

1)    Religious Exploration for Children & Families (including OWL)

2)    Welcoming/Advertising/Outreach to new people

3)    Connection & Involvement for members

We will have three “Idea Buckets” on the website (click here) and in the Welcome Hall, for you to contribute your ideas for specific action items for each of these visions.  And on Sunday January 7 after church, we will have an opportunity to participate in concurrent small group facilitated discussions about each of these visions and actions.  This will be another chance for you to see what others have suggested and suggest your own ideas.

Financial and Program Stability also ranked highly, and we will have a midyear financial review session in late January to inform the congregation about our financial status.

Please plan to add your thoughts to our ‘buckets’ in the coming weeks, and to attend this important meeting after church on January 7.