Bruce Hamilton’s Eclectic Art Collection

What a privilege to get to show a portion of my modest art collection. Quite an honor since I have no, zero, nada artistic skills. Normally our UUCMP shows feature the work of one and only one stellar artist. And there are so many to choose from here on the Monterey Peninsula.
No I’m no artist but I do call myself an “art appreciator” and I do know what I like. I thank our Art Committee for giving me this opportunity. My collection is called a Hodge Podge (“a motley assortment”) by several of my friends. Eclectic (“drawn from a diverse range of sources”) by kinder and gentler ones.
Over the years I’ve gathered a few pieces here and there (from Nebraska my home state to Ethiopia where I served in the Peace Corps). Price has always been the key factor in selection before
“do I like it, do I want it, do I think I can’t live without it?”
When I retired 12 years ago from a career in public service including nonprofit administration, law and politics and moved to Pacific Grove, opportunities/temptations have only multiplied. Where else could we be surrounded by more quality art except in the world’s major cities and at such relatively affordable prices?
I joined and actively participate in the PG, Monterey and Carmel Art Associations. And yes SFMOMA too. If you are not members or at least frequent visitors you can’t imagine what you are missing.
I frequently ask if I could live at the Carmel Art Association! Along with this church it is the place where I am most moved by positivity, beauty and awe.
I joined the Unitarian Church in Lincoln, Nebraska when I was in college in the sixties. My younger
sister followed me and she and her husband recently retired having served as co-ministers in Salt Lake
and Berkeley.
Today in addition to soaking up art I serve on the Board of Directors of Meals on Wheels of the
Monterey Peninsula and take courses (mostly literature and art appreciation) at the Osher Lifelong
Learning Institute (OLLI) “an adventure in intellectual, cultural, and social exploration for adults age
50 and better.”
I hope you will be touched by some of my art, Bruce Hamilton June 2024
For purchase info, contact Bruce at: or 650 759 1470.