Author: Karina Briseno

RE Weekly News 5/15

RE this Week This week is our annual RE Sunday that is a multigenerational service. Children and youth will stay in the sanctuary for the entire service this Sunday. We hope you’ll join us! Families are encouraged to arrive early so that kids can get props and directions for a skit.  Nature Camp Do you … Continue reading RE Weekly News 5/15

Social Justice Actions for May

Action Alerts:  Visit FCNL’s Action Center for a list of action alerts and pre-formatted/editable letters to members of Congress. Hosted by Friends Committee on National Legislation Action Center (FCNL).

Men’s I-HELP for June 9th

On June 9th UUCMP will host and provide meals for Men’s I-HELP (Interfaith HomelessEmergency Lodging Program.) We are planning for about 25 guests. We need your help to provide the donations of food for the meals. We can also use yourhelp with setting up, preparing food and greeting the men. Please sign up on the … Continue reading Men’s I-HELP for June 9th

From the Muse to the Pews – a periodic newsletter from WorshipWeb

“The Muppet who sings prays twice.”—St. Augustine (….probably, if he’d known about Muppets) ANYWAY, we have exciting Virtual Hymnal news!  from Camille:I’m the Consulting Manager for the UUA’s Virtual Hymnal. On behalf of your Virtual Hymnal Task Force, we invite you to join us as we present a first encounter with our prototype hymnal! We’d … Continue reading From the Muse to the Pews – a periodic newsletter from WorshipWeb

Our Condolences

Our condolences to the family and friends of long-time member Lynne Powers, who passed away peacefully on May 2nd, after a long period of declining health. A memorial service celebrating Lynne’s life is scheduled for Saturday, June 15, at 2:00 p.m.