Social Justice Announcements for February
Action Alerts: Visit FCNL’s Action Center for a list of action alerts and pre-formatted/editable letters to members of Congress. Hosted by Friends Committee on National Legislation Action Center (FCNL).
Action Alerts: Visit FCNL’s Action Center for a list of action alerts and pre-formatted/editable letters to members of Congress. Hosted by Friends Committee on National Legislation Action Center (FCNL).
The Worship Associates Team and Staff will be holding their semi-annual Worship Planning Retreat on Saturday December 9, from 8:30 am – 12 noon to plan for upcoming worship services.This church year’s Soul Matters overarching theme is “The Gifts of Our Faith.” The monthly themes are—January: Liberating LoveFebruary: Justice & Equity March: Transformation April: … Continue reading Planning Future Worship Services!
In September we held our congregational Imagination workshop, generating a number of inspiring visions for our future. The Strategic Planning Task Force organized and solicited more input from all of you on how to prioritize these visions. Thanks to all of you who completed the survey! Based on the input we received, our top three visions in … Continue reading Strategic Planning Task Force Update
Hijos Del Sol Arts Productions is a longstanding, community-based organization providing professional art instruction for children and youth of underserved neighborhoods, including many that are homeless or in foster care, and families seeking a fresh start in the U.S. Hijos Del Sol Arts Productions creates opportunities, inspires children and youth, and builds community in the Salinas … Continue reading December Shared Plate Recipient – Hijos Del Sol