Archives: Services

“Reverence and Gratitude”

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann, Worship Associate Bob Sadler and Reflection by Mark Overgaard This Sunday we will consider our human attitudes of reverence and gratitude, whether directed to God, the Universe, or Life itself, and the common elements of these which are found in all religious traditions. Mark Overgaard is the current Artist on display in … Continue reading “Reverence and Gratitude”

“To Die For”

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Sue Ellen Stringer To read a transcript of the sermon for this service please click on this link: To Die For For some it’s a delicious ice-cream sundae. For others, it’s the view of the ocean at Bixby Bridge. For me, it’s the perfect plate of pasta carbonara. That’s the light-hearted … Continue reading “To Die For”

“Making Sense of Sacred Sacrifice”

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Katie Hamilton In the book of Genesis, the story of Abraham and Isaac is often either exalted or condemned; viewed as either proof of Abraham’s devotion to God, or proof of his horrible fatherhood qualifications. What sense might we make of this story and other supposedly sacred sacrifice?

“The Altruistic Impulse”

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Mary Kay Hamilton To read a transcript of the sermon for this service please click on this link: The Altruistic Impulse If economists and evolutionary biologists are correct, human actions are largely guided by individuals’ self-interest and survival instincts. Various religious traditions offer an alternative perspective, which moves beyond dichotomies of … Continue reading “The Altruistic Impulse”

“Life Balance: The Sense of the Sabbath”

Katie Hamilton and Karen Brown How much time and energy do we owe to employers and to working for our principles? How do we take it easy when the work is too much? Karen Brown and Katie Hamilton reflect on balancing work and play.

“Our Future Work”

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Bob Sadler To read a transcript of the sermon for this service please click on this link: Our Future Work We live in a rapidly changing world. Increasing globalization, technological innovation, economic fluctuations each play a part. The nature of work itself seems to be changing. Which abilities and insights do we … Continue reading “Our Future Work”

“Leveling the Playing Field”

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Mary Kay Hamilton 9:30 Service: A level playing field is one in which everyone has equal opportunities and no one has an unfair advantage. We will explore how level our church playing field is, and what we might do to make it even more so. 11:15 Service Time: Our annual Connections … Continue reading “Leveling the Playing Field”

“When Work is Play”

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Sue Ellen Stringer To read a transcript of the sermon for this service please click on this link: When Work Is Play What is the difference between work and play? Some say the purpose of work is productivity, and play is purely for pleasure. Others say work is about making money, whereas … Continue reading “When Work is Play”

Folks That Play Together

Katie Hamilton and Ann Johnson It’s the Big Sur Campout Weekend! You have two choices this Sunday, you can join Revs. Elaine & Axel and the other campers at the Santa Lucia Campground for a short multi-generational open-air worship service at the banks of the beautiful Big Sur River, or for those who choose not … Continue reading Folks That Play Together