Social Justice Actions for April
Action Alerts: Visit FCNL’s Action Center for a list of action alerts and pre-formatted/editable letters to members of Congress.
Action Alerts: Visit FCNL’s Action Center for a list of action alerts and pre-formatted/editable letters to members of Congress.
(As of Tuesday March 26, 2024) Total to date: 84 pledges, $399,281.75 (83.2% of goal; 1.4% more than total pledged last year; last year at this time, we were at $360,000 pledged). Something to cheer about: Challenge Match qualifiers: 44, totaling $47,616.75. And more Five Percenters: 22 total (about 1/3 more than last year). Impressive! Days left in pledge campaign: … Continue reading Be the Light Update
It’s time to sign up for the UUCMP Big Sur International Marathon (BSM) Volunteer Team. We’ve helped with the marathon and half-marathon for the past several years. We’ve had fun, increased our community’s awareness of UUCMP, and earned some money. BSM has made grants from $1,000 to $1,500 for our help in distributing t-shirts to … Continue reading UUCMP Big Sur International Marathon (BSM) Volunteer Team
The last two work parties at UUCMP have been a resounding success! In February we had 15 people come to plant, weed, clean carpets and windows, paint and much more. Last Saturday we beat that number when 17 congregants came out to pull hundreds of Genista plants and dozens of scary thistles, pulled a truck … Continue reading Work Parties at UUCMP a Big Success!
Thanks to everyone, young and old, who helped complete our community puzzle in the Welcome Hall! Be sure to check out the new puzzle this Sunday.
RE this Week This week in RE, we’ll continue our conversations about change and transformation, learn about the Hindu holiday of Holi, and tie-dye t-shirts. We’ll provide t-shirts for the kids. Please join us for some fun as we celebrate the beginning of spring! Have fun while getting to know UUCMP kids! We are looking … Continue reading RE Weekly News 3/20